Ordinary Japanese Life

An English Learning Lazy Japanese office worker Write About Her Lazy Life And Try To Describe About Ordinary Japanese Life.

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Location: Tokyo, Japan

42 years old housewife, used to be a system engineer. a cats and dogs lover and also comics lover.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

【Books】 In The Pool

I found my fbourite Japanese book was tlanslated into English which is called "In The Pool"" by Hidero Okuda. The book include short stories about a strange psychiatrist as a main character and his patients , but not about mental trouble. The story describe behind story of the patients and it's really comical.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Boozed or Pissed, and Regret

Last week, one of my friends, who has been studying something in England, has come back to Japan for her holiday. So we went drinking with a common friend. In the first hours after we started drinking, I was drunk......I seem to become really a cheap date. I can't remember what I told exactly. I only remember that I called one of my friends, who there wasn't, "Real Bitch" I also told about new year's resolutions and football although I didn't know about it very well, and I smoked I don't do usually. I had no hearing because of drunk, so I also can't remember what my friends said.
The next day, I noticed I got abrasions to my left arm. What did I do? I don't know....I think I should add "I'll never be drunk so much" to new year's resolutions.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Ukiyo-e Ota Memorial Museum of Art

A couple days ago, I went to "Ukiyo-e Ota Memorial Museum of Art" in Harajuku. I knew the museum, but I hadn't gone there even though I often went around there.
I saw the exhibition which was titled "The Exhibition of Masterpieces from Musee Guimet". They included famous Sharaku and Hokusai's works. The museum was cosy and I think it's enough to pay 1,000yen.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New year's resolutions

Happy New Year to all people!

I made following new year's resolutions

(1) To get new job within 6 months
(2) To pass English proficiency exam
(3) To go to museums more often
(4) To update this blog more often
(5) To reduce reading Japanese books and to increase reading more English books.

How many new year's resolutions will I do?